Rocks Simplified


A rock is an aggregate of minerals. Sometimes it is entirely composed of a single mineral such as Quartzite, Rock salt, but more commonly it is composed of two or more minerals.
The earth consists of various types of rocks that may be as hard as concrete or as soft as soap. When heated some melt whereas other remains in their original state.

There are two major categories of Rocks


These are the rocks that are directly produced from the cooling of the molten magma coming out of the earth. Igneous Rocks fall in this category.


The rocks that are derived from preexisting rocks are called secondary rocks. Sedimentary Rocks and Metamorphic Rocks fall in this category.

Rocks are of three types


Igneous is a Latin word that means “origin by fire”. These rocks are formed from the cooling of molten magma or lava. This can happen both inside the earth and on the surface of the earth. If cooling happen inside earth the resulting rock is called “Intrusive Igneous Rock” and if it happens outside on earth surface the resulting rocks are called “Extrusive Igneous Rocks”. 90% of the earth crust is made up of Igneous Rocks.


These are the secondary rocks that are formed from the deposition and compression of rocks and mineral fragments. The word “sedimentary” is derived from the Roman word “Sedimentum” that means “Settling”, as these rocks are formed from grains broken away from existing rocks by the action of wind, water, ice and other agents. After this their compaction occurs and rock is formed. Most of the sedimentary rocks started their journey as loose deposits of sand or gravel at the bottom of sea or desert, later on this sediment is lithified and compressed into a rock.


These are the secondary rocks that are created by the transformation of existing rocks by heat and pressure. The term metamorphic comes from the word “metamorph” meaning “change”. All rocks may be subjected to metamorphism. Granite can be re-melted and re-crystallized sand stone can be transformed by heat and pressure into a much harder rock material. Metamorphic rocks themselves can be changed again and again.
This phenomenon usually happens in the tectonic movements zones of the earth crust where due to the volcanic action when tectonic plates are disturbed and one plate is pushed up and other slides under. As a result rocks in zones of both plates are subjected to different temperature and pressure and resultant is the Metamorphic Rock.
Similarly when the sheet of lava flows over the surface, the bedrocks of that surface experience excessive heat and changes its form.



