Metamorphic Rocks Simplified


These are the secondary rocks that are created by the transformation of existing rocks by heat and pressure. The term metamorphic comes from the word “metamorph” meaning “change”. All rocks may be subjected to metamorphism. Granite can be re-melted and re-crystallized sand stone can be transformed by heat and pressure into a much harder rock material. Metamorphic rocks themselves can be changed again and again.
This phenomenon usually happens in the tectonic movements zones of the earth crust where due to the volcanic action when tectonic plates are disturbed and one plate is pushed up and other slides under. As a result rocks in zones of both plates are subjected to different temperature and pressure and resultant is the Metamorphic Rock.
Similarly when the sheet of lava flows over the surface, the bedrocks of that surface experience excessive heat and changes its form.


Thermal Metamorphism

This is the metamorphism in which the existing rocks are changed into new rocks under high temperature or intense heat.

Dynamic Metamorphism

When the rocks change in form under high pressure it is called Dynamic Metamorphism

Regional Metamorphism

When the change in rock occurs in a particular region under high temperature and pressure it is called Regional Metamorphism. It can be easily distinguished from adjacent rocks.

Contact Metamorphism

When molten magma or lava comes in contact with already existing rocks it changes their composition and color of the rocks. The remaining rock materials that do not come in contact with lava remain unchanged. This is called Contact Metamorphism

Cataclastic Metamorphism

This happens at the boundaries of tectonic plates. When heavy plate collide with a lighter one it result in breaking and pulverization of the rock material which after sometimes re-group into some different rock. This is Cataclastic Metamorphism.

Burial Metamorphism

When the Igneous or Sedimentary Rocks are buried under the layers of the earth material, they are subjected to change due to rise in temperature and pressure. This is known as Burial Metamorphism

Hydrothermal Metamorphism

This Phenomenon occur in oceans as the ocean ridges are situated at the edge of tectonic plate which result in small cracks and faults in the ocean floor. At this point of the ridge water percolates in those cracks and faults and reaches at depth where temperature is high enough to change liquid water into steam and the steam rushes upwards and comes in contact with the adjacent rock material. It change color and composition of rock and metamorphic rock is formed


·         These are used as raw material in Industry and Construction
·         Slate is used for writing and for roofing and painting
·         Graphite is used in pencil and crucible making
·         Precious minerals are obtained
·         Quartz is used in glass making



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